Good Branding Or Mind Control?

Professor Xavier's Favorite Tool

Do you consider yourself to be rational? Sure, of course! You chose Apple for the build quality and luxurious feel of their devices, not for their ability to control your brains. According to study, 90% of all purchasing decisions are done subconsciously, and if companies influence your subconscious, it's practically mind control.

Today, branding is more than just a way to sell a product or differentiate your products from the competition. It is about developing an identity with which your customers may connect in the same way that they connect with their friends. Consider Apple enthusiasts: when someone says something negative about their products, Apple supporters are there to protect the brand, whereas Apple could care less. Apple supporters regard the brand as a friend or family member. One example of mind control achieved by brands. 

A research at Duke University showed the Apple logo to one group of volunteers and the IBM logo to another. The pool that was shown the Apple logo excelled in creating creative works, but the pool that was not shown the Apple brand did not succeed at producing creative works. For years, Apple has positioned itself as the creative individual's option, and the subliminal messages that they have imparted through its brand over the years have cemented its preachings into our modern world society. When your brand is deeply embedded in a culture or subculture, it is much easier to influence people's subconscious thinking.

Those are two examples of mind control achieved by Apple over the years. How can you replicate this achievement with your brand? First and foremost, rather than producing a logo and a memorable name, it is preferable to cultivate an identity through your brand that people can identify with. Underarmour, a sports brand for the underdogs, the unsung heroes in our world, is a nice illustration of this, and having this identity in a brand that is a shared identity amongst us all is a terrific approach to engaging with customers on a deeper level.

Now that you've created your identity, you must believe in it. This will allow you to be consistent with your branding and offer a framework for achieving branding consistency. If you engage your customers through consistent branding and marketing in line with the brand, you may project your views and ideas onto them, ensuring that your subliminal messages are also ingrained in their minds.

Finally, after developing a brand and establishing its tenets, utilize design to set things in motion. When humans are born, they use visual input to recognize the world before anything else. Actually, language is third, followed by thought. Visual input is translated into thought, which is subsequently translated into language. Ad design, product design, brand design, and so on are all the first points of contact between your brand and the minds of your customers. As a result, design should be the top concern for anyone attempting to influence, engage, and captivate the thoughts of their customers on a more intimate level.

So the wrap up, following the three pointers above will guarantee mind control. I mean ensure you can influence your customer at a deeper level to make sure your brand can stand the test of time.

Approved By Professor Xavier.

Written by Muqaddim Jawad Noor


Category:Logos - Wikimedia Commons. (n.d.).


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