Love, Confidence, Toothpaste?

Let's take a deep dive into a unique brand we don’t think twice about.

So what do you do when you wake up first thing in the morning? Browse your phone, get out of bed and then brush your teeth right? If you don’t brush your teeth you should, you only get one set. Warnings aside, you don’t look twice at the packaging of toothpaste but if you do what you’ll find will shock you! 

Well no, not really, it won't shock you unless you look at the packaging of Closeup. You see, the majority of toothpaste brands talk about how your teeth will get enriched with fluoride and protect your teeth from cavities. They also go on about how you’ll be able to eat harder foods if you have a gum disease or something along the lines of science and health and they exclusively talk about that. However, Closeup is a bit different.

Yes, now since you're looking at the Closeup packaging a bit closely, you can see that they are talking about science and health as well. Like how Closeup kills 99% of the bacteria that causes bad breath and so on and so forth. But it's not the core message nor do they promote the health benefits of using Closeup that much. They actually promote a very intimate yet personal reason for brushing your teeth. Which is obviously fresher breath but how it can give you the confidence to get closer to the person you love. Because, when you really like someone, you tend to limit yourself a lot by not getting closer to them and you are afraid of getting closer to them which could be because of bad breath as an insecurity but Closeup doesn't make you feel insecure about having bad breath, not one bit. Instead, their advertisements, their website content, and other bits and pieces of branding imply that they are here to help you get rid of your insecurities so that you can get closer to the ones you love and not miss out on having the love of your life by your side, which is like… Wow… what a wholesome message.

So the key takeaway here is, don’t be afraid to take risks. Let me explain, the toothpaste market is quite competitive and the product is such that people don't think twice about buying it. They look at it and if they like the flavor they buy the toothpaste. However, Closeup is taking a risk here by having such an evocative message. This message certainly gives them a greater edge amongst their target audience which is young adults. So the moral of Closeups' story is that don’t just promote the product that you are selling by showcasing its benefits but rather what value it will add to the customer's life. That’s what Closeup is, a toothpaste brand that aims to add the greatest value that it can, which is confidence to get closer to someone you love. 

Written by Muqaddim Jawad Noor


Homepage. (2022). Closeup. Retrieved January 2, 2023, from

CloseUpBangladesh. (2022). Facebook.

Closeup Toothpaste Red Hot. (n.d.). Shajgoj.

Pepsodent Toothpaste Germicheck. (n.d.). Daraz.


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